June 16, 2010


These images are from one of my favorite books in my bookcase: James Welling's "Flowers".
The shots are simply stunning in color, shapes and depth, and they almost look like they were made in watercolor.

"In Flowers, Welling continues to work with photograms of flowers, a project he began in 2004. The most recent Flowers are larger in scale and have a greater range of colors than those in past works. To produce these works, Welling placed small, irregularly-shaped color filters behind the negative as he printed the images. In an interview with the artist, novelist/critic Lynne Tillman notes that these flowers argue for a present-ness of the photograph. Rather than pointing to a specific moment in the past, these nearly-abstract images encourage the viewer to discover new meanings while in the presence of the work."

REPPED BY: http://www.mslogan.net/

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